Friday, September 6, 2013

writing prompt

Reese Waters
Writing Prompt
The school should not block any kind of websites; imagine doing a project for class and searching for information on a school computer but being denied access because the school doesn’t think the kids are responsible enough to handle it. The fact is, most of them are responsible enough and the select few that aren’t have ruined the ability for the rest to effectively search for useful information during a project or assignment.
Limiting a student’s resources to learn should be considered a crime, the World Wide Web has so much to offer young minds and advance us to a further education and better future. The school actually has no right to discriminate against certain websites because who are they to say that a certain site has no educational value because you can learn something from anything really.
It is always up to the student if they want to learn or not and if they have no desire to learn than they won’t even if certain websites are blocked. I do see some necessity in blocking inappropriate sites to an extent such as nudity and what not.

The blocking of any site should honestly be illegal because to limit a child’s learning is a crime. The mind of a student/child can expand so much further than that of an adult. Blocking sites is an extreme act for really nothing at all and it should be considered a crime. 

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